Job Postings
The IIDA Southwest Chapter offers a job posting service through our website. In addition to this, we offer options for advertising job postings through our weekly email updates and social media outlets. Rates listed for both the post and advertisement of the posting are per occurrence and apply to the specific publication method for which they are listed only. Parties interested in posting through IIDA should contact the VP of Communications.
Members of IIDA (regardless of chapter affiliation), will not be charged a fee to use this service. This free of charge service is offered for one, 90-day job posting at a time. Requests for other arrangements (such as multiple posts during the same time period) are at the discretion of the Chapter and will be determined by the Chapter President and the VP of Communications.
Post on Chapter Website’s Job Posting page:
$50 for 30 days
$75 for 60 days
$100 for 90 days
Advertising Rates for Job Postings:
*This service is not offered free for members
$40 for one Social Media post to one of the chapter’s social media outlets and $20 for each additional post/post on a different outlet
$50 for promotion at the bottom of the chapter’s monthly email update
$100 for promotion at beneath the top post in the chapter’s weekly email update